
Demo web application for developing uPortal-app-framework apps.

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How to configure in-app options template

demo options

This project is preconfigured with an example version of in-app options. Follow these steps to replace it with your own custom app options.

Part 1: Create an HTML template

In the webapp/my-app/templates/ directory, create a file called app-options.html. Add your own content or use the following example content:

<div layout="row" layout-align="end center">
  <md-menu md-position-mode="target-right bottom">
    <md-button aria-label="Open options menu" class="md-primary" ng-click="$mdOpenMenu($event)">
      <span layout="row" layout-align="center center"><md-icon>settings</md-icon></span>
      <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom" md-delay="500">Settings</md-tooltip>
    <md-menu-content width="4">
        <md-button class="md-default" href="#">Give feedback</md-button>
        <md-button class="md-default" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-github"></i> Checkout Repo</span></md-button>

More info

Part 2: Set the path to your template in override.js

Navigate to webapp/js/override.js and edit the optionsTemplateURL:

  'optionsTemplateURL': 'my-app/templates/app-options.html',

Now run the app and you should see your new app options!